
среда, 27 июля 2016 г.


Kristen Davis, it might be argued, owes the show 'Sex and the City' a fair amount. A jobbing actress, she was never going to set the world alight with her acting talent but getting to appear in the show has meant that she is now one of the most recognisable faces in… well, the cast of 'Sex and the City'.

So it was with some surprise that movie bosses, organising the DVD launch of 'Sex and the City: The Movie' had to explain why only three of the four main actresses (Horsey, Slutty and Homely) would be attending. Kristen, it appears was too busy 'shooting a commercial' to attend.

Or maybe it was something to do with the fact that she demanded $100,000 merely to turn up, smile, eat some canapés and jump back in a limo. This is despite the fact that Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker and the ginger one who always looks unwell understand how publicity works and launched the DVD for no payment whatsoever.

It looks like the size of Kristen's last pay packet is in direct proportion to her ego, but I can't recall her starring in any other great films recently, can you (do feel free to contradict me on this one but I'm feeling pretty confident)? Hopefully the money will dry up (and you can well imagine her character being killed off before the next 'SATC' film, perhaps in a bizarre accident whilst filming a commercial) and a new found sense of humility will emerge.

Either that or another set of 20-year-old candid snaps of her flashing her growler will emerge, once again upping her public and pubic profile.

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