
среда, 27 июля 2016 г.


If you could invite somebody famous to a dinner party, chances are that Joseph Goebbels, Harold Shipman, Lenny Henry, Neil Fox and Peter Sutcliffe would all be given due consideration before the talentless bag of skin that is Paris Hilton. Thankfully, she's well aware of being as welcome as an anal rupture. The downside is that her unpopularity has forced Hilton into wasting valuable photons on a reality show on the subject.

Her new MTV show is called 'Paris Hilton's My New BFF' - BFF meaning in this instance Best Friend Forever, and not Brainless Famous Fuck - in which Hilton meets a group of 19 slack-jawed yokels and picks one that won't beat her soundly every time she yaps like a trampled puppy.

Yes, she's been hurt in the past, kids:

"It is really hard because you're not really sure if people want to be friends with you for the right reasons or they just want to be famous. So it's hard to figure that out, but I can figure it out now."

Not that hard to figure out, unless you're a vacuus, jumped-up wench with more going on between the legs than the ears. The fact that you're making a show, of which the sole point is to find people to talk to, does tend to suggest you're both a bad shag and dreadful company.

We can only imagine that sitting on a fortune that could buy Belgium somehow figures in the thinking of those deceptive rogues. That, or she's massively improved on her fellatio technique since the last home video.

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